Child Trafficking Journalism Causes Problems for University Researcher

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Dr. Tim Coles, a postdoctoral researcher in cognitive psychology and author, lost his position at Plymouth University in the United Kingdom after backlash due to several articles he penned on "elite" child trafficking were published in the Australia-based magazine, Nexus.

Dr. Coles shared his experience in an interview/podcast published by independent journalist, Helen of Destroy, aka Helen Buyniski.

"I had written a series of articles for Nexus, because this is what allegedly the problem Nexus specifically. In recent months, I've been looking into elite child trafficking. This is an area, that, I'm not saying I'm important enough to be killed or anything but people do end up dead when they start looking into this, so getting your university position terminated might be a warning shot. I wrote about three articles dealing with the subject either directly or indirectly," Coles said.

"The first [article] was about how the intelligence services are working with "satanic" or "left-hand path" groups, like the Order of 9 Angles or the Temple of Blood. The evidence I had for that was just simply court documents saying that such and such person is an informant for the FBI," Coles said.

"The people making these claims, 'Hope Not Hate' is one, which is an MI5 front. They are encouraging their members, these left-handed cult groups, to abuse children as part of their rituals and I assume the intelligence agencies use that for blackmail because that's their modus operandi," Coles explained.

"The second article was specifically about that, the long history of intelligence agencies abusing kids to blackmail people. Epstein is the obvious one. In the UK and Ireland it was Kincora Boys Home in the 70s and 80s, many others," Dr. Coles said.

"The third article I wrote was about normalizing what's called pedophilia. Philia is love. There's no love in this, it' just abuse so I don't like that word, really. Normalizing the sexual abuse of children in the current culture and media, and it was after I published these articles that the flags seemed to go up at the University," Dr. Coles said.

"That might be a coincidence because Duncan Rhodes, the editor of  Nexus, told me there are some pressure groups trying to get Nexus banned in the UK because of its stance on COVID and the so-called vaccine," Coles added.

Read "Satanic and Occult Groups" by Tim Coles, published by Nexus for purchase here.

Dr. Coles is the author of the 2022 release, "Biofascism: The Tech-Pharma Complex and the End of Democracy."

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