Peter Duke’s Exploration of Stealth Power in Literary Debut

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Peter Duke's Insightful Exploration of Power in His Latest Book "Stealth Power and the Illusion of Democracy"

Released: December 3, 2023

December 17, 2023

Journalist, creative director, technologist, and photographer Peter Duke, based in Pacific Palisades, California, recently launched a new book that has quickly garnered significant attention in the PUBINT/indie media sphere. With a strong 4.5 out of 5-star rating based on 35 reviews, the book stands out in today's saturated market of political and historical analyses.

Peter Duke the photographer

Duke's career, which spans various roles in media, technology, and creative arts, greatly influences his writing style and the subject matter of his book. He takes a unique approach by using artificial intelligence (AI) to dissect and interpret historical events and governance systems. This method is intended to provide an unbiased, clear view, free from the common cultural and cognitive biases that often skew historical narratives. In an era where misinformation and media bias are hot topics, Duke's approach is not only innovative but also highly relevant.


The book covers a wide range of topics, with a particular focus on the hidden mechanics of power and governance. Duke's exploration goes beyond surface-level analysis, diving deep into the intricate and often overlooked aspects of how power is wielded and maintained. His use of AI in this context is particularly noteworthy, as it suggests a new frontier in the understanding and interpretation of historical events, albeit not always an objective one.

That being said, Duke clarifies that one thing that ChatGPT is good at is what I called “linguistic mathematics” whereby if you are clear with your commands, the program will morph the language you input while maintaining the true meaning.


One of the most striking features of Duke's book is its re-examination of "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion." By applying AI to this controversial text, Duke aims to strip away the layers of bias and misinformation that have surrounded it for decades. This bold move has sparked a considerable amount of discussion and debate, highlighting Duke's willingness to confront challenging and sensitive topics head-on.

The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

The book's reception has been overwhelmingly positive, with many readers and critics praising Duke for his insightful analysis and ability to make complex topics accessible and engaging. The high rating is a testament to Duke's skill in not just capturing the interest of his readers but also in providing a thought-provoking perspective on topics of historical and contemporary significance.

communist United States of America

Furthermore, Duke’s narrative isn't just about the past; it bridges the gap between historical events and their implications in the modern world. He draws parallels between historical governance strategies and current political scenarios, offering a comprehensive view of the continuity and evolution of power dynamics. This aspect of the book makes it not only a historical analysis but also a relevant commentary on current affairs.

Communist Hammer and Sickle Flag USA

In addition to its content, the book is also being recognized for its stylistic qualities. Duke’s background in photography and creative direction is evident in the vivid and compelling way he presents information. His writing is not only informative but also visually and intellectually stimulating, making it a standout work in the genre of political and historical literature.

American Jesuit Dictatorship

American Jesuit Dictatorship

Peter Duke's literary debut is a significant contribution to the field of historical and political analysis, forensic history, public intelligence, and independent journalism. It challenges readers to look beyond the conventional narratives and understand the deeper, often hidden aspects of governance and power. With its innovative use of AI and a bold approach to controversial subjects, the book is not only an educational read but also a catalyst for discussion and thought in our current sociopolitical climate.

Buy Peter Duke’s literary debut, Stealth Power and the Illusion of Democracy now.

Follow Peter Duke on Twitter.

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Addy Adds is a 100% independent author, writer, investigative journalist, independent video producer, radio talk show host, and editor. His work has been stolen by hundreds and viewed/read by millions. Once called the “best young mind in political journalism,” with his work also described as “genius,” Addy Adds turned down an in-field recruitment from the CIA during his coverage of Brazil in 2022, the first known instance of such an event to be caught on video.

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